NameBenjamin Fisher 
Birth10 May 1736
Death31 Mar 1799
“Benjamin Fisher May 10th 1736” [Wright-Jones Family Bible Record, Library of Virginia, accession number 25073.]
Benjamin Fisher was mentioned in the 1765 will of his father-in-law Isaac Gatewood. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 12, pages 225–226.]
On 21 January 1799, William Fisher and Benjamin Fisher were granted executorship of the estate of Mary Gatewood. William Fisher, Benjamin Fisher, and John Jones acknowledge their bond in the penalty of $2,000. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, page 436.]
Agreeable to an order of Essex Court dated the 21st day of January 1799 we the undersigned having met at the late dwelling House of Mary Gatewood decd. & proceeded to divide the negroes of Isaac Gatewood Decd. according to the last will and testament of the said decedent agreeable to the within statement given under our hands the 26th day of January 1799
Equal lots to Andrew Gatewood, Thomas Dunn, Augusten Gatewood, William Gatewood, John Kay, Richard Gatewood, Benj: Fisher, Charles Hutchason.
W Latane
James Upshaw jr.
Reuben Garnett
Sthreshly Rennolds
Returned on 18 February 1799 and ordered recorded.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, pages 439–440.]
“Benjamin Fisher Mar. 31st 1799. aged 63 years 2 mo. 10 days” [Wright-Jones Family Bible Record, Library of Virginia, accession number 25073.]
In the name of God amen. I Benjamin Fisher being of sound & perfect mind & memory tho weak in body doth make this my last Will & testament that is to say. I lend unto my beloved wife Sukey Fisher — during her natural life one third part of all my lands to be taken out of the tract whereon I now live beginning at Hoskins’s creek & laid off in such form as to include the Houses & improvments [sic] & after her decease I give the same to my daughter Sally Jones to her & her Heirs forever. — Item. I give to my son William Fisher another third, of all my lands including the remnant of the tract already-mentioned, & that so much as the said remnant my be dificient of one third of my whole lands, be made up to him out of my quarter lands to him & his heirs forever. Item the remaining third of my lands I give to my daughter Sukey Crittenden so as to include the land & Plantation whereon she now lives as far as it will go, & that the deficiency of her third of my lands be made up to her out of my quartor Land to her & her heirs forever Item I lend to my said Wife during her life the following Slaves to wit old Dick, young Dick, Islington, Uriah, Sam & Nancy & after her death I give the said Negroes & their Increase to be equally divided betwen [sic] my son William Fisher & my said daughter Suky Crittenden, to them & their heirs forever Item I lend to my sd. Wife one half of the negro’s which I got by her (except those now in possession of John Jones) to wit Zachariah, Bookery, Tom, Rody, & Mary during her life and after her death I give the said negro’s with their increase to my said daughter Sally Jones & her Heirs forever I also give to my said daughter the remaining half that I got [from] my Wife, together with the above mentioned five negro’s declared to be in the possession of the said John Jones to her & her Heirs forever Item I give to my son William Fisher Abraham, Nanny Charlotte, Jerry, & Abraham which he hath now in his possession to him & his Heirs forever. Item I give to my daughter Sukey Crittenden the following negroes Sukey & Cate which her Husband hath now in his possession to her & her Heirs forever I also give to my said daughter Sukey Crittinden my Negro man Prince to her & her Heirs forever. Item I lend to my wife my Household and Kitchen furniture, plantation Utensils, one half of my Cattle, sheep & Hogs, with all my Horses (except my four Waggon Horses) & also Except one Bed & furniture to be hereafter given) during her natural life & after her death to be sold together with my black smiths tools & the money arising from the sale thereof to be equally divided between my said three children or their Heirs I also give to my said Wife all the provisions laid inn for the family riding Chair & stil which stil after the death of my said Wife I give to my said Daughter Sally Jones to her & her Heirs. I give to Susanna Hall my Wife’s niece the above excepted bed & furniture one Horse of the value of Twenty pounds to be purchased out [of] the sales of my Estate also a good side saddle I desire that the remaining half of my stocks not disposed of by this Will my Waggon & four waggon Horses, be sold & the money arising from the sale thereof after paying my Just debts & funeral expences to be equally divided between my above mentioned three children I lend to my wife during her life my black smith’s tools & desire that my three children may have their Smiths work done during her said life Gratis. Lastly I appoint my son William Fisher & sons in Law Lemuel Crittenden & John Jones Exrs. of this my last Will & Testament revoking all other Wills by me made & declaring this only to be my last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 30th day of March 1799
Benja. Fisher
Witnesses: R. B. Semple, Geo: Schools, John Coons, Bernard Todd, Wm. B. Sale, Jno Brockenbrough, Erasmus Jones
On 15 Apil 1799 presented in court by William Fisher and proved by the oaths of Wm B Sale & Erasmus Jones, and ordered to be recorded. Certificate granted to the said William in order to his obtaining probate.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, pages 453–454.]
On 15 April 1799, executorship of the estate of Benjamin Fisher, deceased, was granted to William Fisher. William Fisher and Erasmus Jones acknowledge their bond in the penalty of 12,000. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, page 457.]
Pursuant to an order of Essex Court on 15 April 1799, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Benjamin Fisher was made (no date) by Sthreshley Rennolds, Micajah Munday, Wm. B. Sale, and Jas. Sullivan. Also agreeable to the order, they made a division of the Negroes, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs as directed by the Will, with lots to Mrs. Fisher, John Jones & Sally his wife, and also to the executor, to be sold. Returned and ordered recorded on 16 September 1799. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, pages 498–501.]
Birth22 Sep 1746
Death11 May 1821