NameFrances Griggs 
Birthaft 1745
Francis Griggs was mentioned in the 1759 will of her father John Griggs. The will was proved 16 January 1759. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery 15, item 15-A-11; Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 11, pages 157–159.]
In an undated petition for debt, orators William Burke and Thomas Burke complained that in 1759 John Griggs died leaving children John, William, Francis, Rachel, Leonard and Cary, and that Wm [originally said Henry but was crossed out] Purkins was executor, that the said Henry Purkins died leaving Henry Purkins junior his son and executor. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery item 5-I-71.]
On 1 December 1798, Rickard Burke provided a deposition: The deposition of Rickard Burk being of lawfull age taken at the house of the said Rickard Burk in a suit depending between Cary Griggs pltff and William Purkins and William Dunn B executors of Henry Purkins decd who was executor of John Griggs decd defendants this 1st day of December 1798 This deponant being first sworn saith that when John Grigg’s the father of the pltff’s estate was sold he this deponant cryed it and before it was all sold he heard Capt. Thomas Edmondson ask Henry Purkins what John Griggs Estate sold for who answered upwards of Six hundred pounds Quistian by the pltff attorney what has become of John Griggs children answer John Griggs Cary Griggs & Fanny Dudley I believe to be a live the other are all dead and farther this deponant saith not
Signed Rickard Burke
Witnesses: JBohannan, Thos Dix [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 15, item 15-A-13.]