NameJohn Croxton 
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 14 March 1725, Bryant Edmondson of the parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex sold to John Croxton of the parish of Stratton Major and County of King and Queen. For £57 sterling money of England, land whereon Byant Edmondon now liveth, 150 acres more or less, in Southfarnham parish and Essex County, bounded by the lands of ffrancis Brown, John ffarguson, James ffarguson. Signed Bryant Edmondson. Witnesses: John ffargeson, Frances his T mark Right, Richd Wiltshire. Ordered recorded 15 March 1725. On the same day, Mary Edmondson wife of Bryant Edmondson relinquished right of Dower. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 18, page 166.] Memorandum dated 14 March 1725. Possession delivered and given by turf and twig. Witnesses: Richd Wiltshire, John ffargeson, Frances his T mark Right. Ordered recorded 15 March 1725. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 18, page 167.] Bryant Edmondson bound unto John Croxton the sum of £200 sterling. To keep all and every article, clause, etc. Dated 14 March 1725. Witnesses: John ffargeson, Frances his T mark Right, Richd Wiltshire. Ordered recorded 15 March 1725. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 18, page 167.]
On 18 July 1730, Joseph Man of the parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex sold to John Fargesson and John Croxton of the same. For £34, 68 acres formerly belonging to ffrancis Brown deceased. Signed Jos Man, Mary her X mark Man. Witnesses: Thomas Barker, Thomas Younger, Ann Croxton. Ordered recorded 21 July 1730. Bonds follow. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 19, pages 127–128.]
On 17 May 1731, John Croxton was mentioned as a landowner in a deed from Francis Brown of the Parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex to Henry Boughan junior of the same. The deed mentioned Thomas Wood’s old field now belonging to John Croxton. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 19, pages 200–201.]
An appraisal of the estate of William Gatewood ordered on 20 March 1743 was given on 16 April 1744 by WTyler, Wm Dunn, and John Croxton. Total valuation £303.6.3. Ordered recorded 17 April 1744. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 7, pages 115–117.]
On 23 April 1753, John Croxton witnessed a deed from Aristippus Boughan of the County of Essex to James M.Call of the same. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 26, pages 300–302.]
On 30 June 1753, Thomas Barker, aged 57, deposed that a marriage contract was designed between Thomas the son of John Croxton and Susannah the daughter of James Boughan. That James Boughan agreed to give his son in law a Negro Boy Charles, but an arguement ensued. The issue was settled when James Boughan and Thomas Croxton exchanged Negroes, John Croxton receiving Winney buy paying £10. Then the deponent was sent for to write up James Boughan’s will and he left out Winney. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 26, page 286.]
On 16 June 1755, a John Croxton was mentioned as a landowner bordering land of Thomas Croxton and Susanna his wife. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 115–119.]
On 4 December 1755, John Croxton cast votes for Colonel William Daingerfield and Colonel Francis Smith for burgesses of Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 248–252.]
On 11 October 1756, a John Croxton was mentioned as being a landowner with property bordering that of Hezekiah Brown and Sally his wife in a sale to James Booker. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 284–286.]
The will of John Croxton was dated 22 October 1750: In the name of God amen I John Croxton of the County of Essex and Parish of Southfarnham being Sick and Weak of Body but of Perfect mind and memory thanks be Given to Almighty God for the same and Calling to mind the Uncertainty of this Life do make my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to Say First and Principally I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it hoping to Receive Perfect Remission and forgiveness of all my sings by the Merritts of blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and a Joyfull Resurrection with the Just at the Last Day and my Body to the Earth to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named, and as touching Such Temporal Estate as it hath pleas’d God to bestow upon me I Give and Dispose thereof as follows, Imprimis I give and bequeath to my Son John Croxton all that Divident or Parcel of Land that I purchased of James Fargusson to him and his heirs forever, Item I give and bequeath to my Son Thomas Croxton that part of my Land whereon he now Lives, being that Land that was Given him by a Contract at his Marriage to him and his heirs forever Item I give and bequeath to my Son Samuel Croxton all the rest and Remainder of my Land being that Land that I bought of Bryant Edmondson, To him and his heirs forever, Item my Will and Desire is that if Either of my said two Sons Should Die without Leaving Lawfull Issue that then their part of Land So Dying to be Equally Divided between the Two Surviving Brothers, Item my Will and Desire is that my Loving Wife Johanna Croxton have the Use of all my Estate for and During her Natural Life, Item my Will is that if my Son Thomas Croxton Should want Ground to tend Corn that he tend the same on Either of his Brothers part not Exceeding Ten Thousand Hills, Item I give to the Children of James Croxton Deceas’d One shilling Starling Each, Item I give to the Children of John Caston Deceas’d One shilling Each, Item my Will and Desire is that after my Wife’s Decease all the rest of my Estate of what nature of kind So ever be Equally Divided between my five Children Viz John Croxton, Thomas Croxton, Samuel Croxton, Sarah Quarles, and Mary Croxton, only my Son Thomas Croxton to Allow Twenty Pounds Current money out of his Part, to the Rest of the Children In Consideration of his having a Negro now already in his Possession, Lastly I constitute and Appoint my Loving Wife Johanna Croxton and my Son John Croxton Executors to this my Last Will and Testament revoking and making Void all former Wills by me heretofore made and appointing this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner and form aforesaid In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty Second Day of October in the year of our Lord God one Thousand Seven hundred & Fifty[.] [Signed] John Croxton (L.S.). Sign’d Seal’d & Publish’d in the presence of [signed] Thomas Barker, John Caston, Hezekiah Brown.
At a Court held for Essex County at Tappa the 18th Day of October 1757—This Last Will and Testament of John Croxton Dec’d was this Day Presented into Court by the Executors herein named who made Oath thereto According to Law, also proved by the Oath of Thomas Barker one of the Witnesses hereto and Continued for further Proof—and At a Court held for the County aforesaid at Forester Upshaws the 17th Day of Janry 1758, Came Thomas Barker and Declared on Oath that he Wrote the said Will by the Directions of the Testator, and that he was in Perfet Sence and memory at the time of the Executing the same, and that he saw John Caston Subscribe the Same as a Witness, thereupon the same is Admitted to Record and is truly Recorded—Test, John Lee Junr DClk. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 11, pages 40–41.]
On 18 October 1757, Johanna Croxton, John Croxton, Ambrose Wright, Thomas Croxton and Samuel Croxton were bound £500 current money for Johanna Croxton’s and John Croxton’s execution of the last will and testament of John Croxton. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 11, page 42.]
On 20 December 1757, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of John Croxton in Brunswick County was made by Hubbard Quarles, James Quarles and James ffisher. Total valuation £32. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 11, page 123.]
On 15 August 1758, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of John Croxton was recorded, made by John Edmondson, James Booker and Joseph Ryland. There is no total but the estate is considerable in part because of the value of 12 slaves. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 11, pages 121–123.]
On 17 June 1771, a division of the remaining estate of John Croxton deceased was recorded. Lots went to John Quarls, Richard Thomas Haile, John Croxton, Richard Jones guardian of the orphans of Samuel Croxton deceased, and Thomas Croxton. Made by J. Edmondson, James Booker, James Banks. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 12, page 413.]
ChildrenJohn (<1731-1775)