NameElizabeth Latané ![](../img/i_tree.png)
Birth11 Mar 1794
Death7 Feb 1827
“Elizabeth daughter of Wm. [&] Ann Latané was born March 11. 1794.” [Garnett family Bible at the Virginia State Archives, Acc. 24600.]
Elizabeth Latane was mentioned in the 24 June 1808 will of her father, William Latané, proved on 21 October 1811. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 312–313.]
“Elizabeth Latané & Jno. Waring were married Dec. [blank] 1810.” [Garnett family Bible at the Virginia State Archives, Acc. 24600.]
“Elizabeth Waring daught. of Wm. & Ann Latané deptd. this life Febry. 7. 1827” [Garnett family Bible at the Virginia State Archives, Acc. 24600.].
Birthabt 1787
Deathabt 1857
Marriageabt 17 Dec 1810, Essex County, Virginia