NameMace Clements 
Deathabt Jan 1807
Married.—On May 31st, Dr. Mace Clements to Miss Purkins, daughter of Mr. William Purkins, all of Essex County. [Richmond Enquirer, 16 June 1804, page 3.]
The will of Mace Clements was dated 1 October 1806. I lend my whole estate to my beloved wife Elizabeth her her remaining my widow. If the child my wife now goes with shall be a boy, I give to him all my lands in Essex County and also all my slaves except two hereafter mentioned. If the child shall be a boy, he shall pay to my daughter Mary one thousand pounds current money of Virginia, upon her arriving at the age of 21 or upon marriage. My mulatto boy John shall be set free, and I give to John 250 acres of my land lying in Green River in the State of Kentuckka. To the three following children of Suckey Hollinger, to wit, William, Smith, and Henry to each 200 acres of land lying on Green River in the State of Kentuckka adjoining the land which I have given my Mulatto Boy John. All the rest of my land on Green River in the State of Kentuckka and my Land in the north West Teritory near Sime Stone [?] to my son if the child my wife goes with shall be a boy. My Negro man Sam shall have his freedom at my death, and to him during his life time 30 acres of land where Saml Davis used to live also a horse the value of ten pounds Virginia money. If the child my wife goes with shall be a girl, instead of a Boy that after my wife’s death or intermarriage my whole estate excepting legacies before mentioned be equally divided between my two daughters. My friends James Webb, Carter Braxton, Thos. Brockenbrough, John Smith and Francis Smith to be executors. Signed M: Clements. Witnesses: John Montague, Gabriel Purkins, Thomas Purkins. On 16 February 1807, proved by Gabriel Purkins and Thomas Purkins. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 7.]
On 16 June 1807, William Newbill, James Webb and Carter Wood were bound in the penalty of $6,000 for William Newbill’s administration with the will annexed of Mace Clements, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 14–15.]
On 15 October 1807, an inventory and appraisal of the Negroes & Personal Estate of Mace Clements was made by John Dunn, John Collins, and Francis Smith. Includes Cyrus a negro man, Ben ditto, Tom a Boy, Edmund a boy, Fanny a woman, Overton a boy, and Anderson a boy. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 471–473.]
The estate of Mace Clements, deceased, in account with William Newbill, administrator, from 1807 to 1812 was ordered recorded on 18 February 1817. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 352–354.]
On 16 April 1816, Thomas M Henley and Austin Brockenbrough were bound in the penalty of £200 for Thomas M Henley’s administration with the will annexed of the estate of Mace Clements, deceased, unadministered by William Newbill, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 276.]
The estate of Mace Clements, deceased, in account with Thomas M Henley, adminsitrator de bonis non, from 1816 to 1822 was ordered recorded on 15 July 1822. Shows a payment on 1 February 1821 for “Old Sam his Legacy & Int.” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 312.]
Marriage31 May 1804, Essex County, Virginia