NameElizabeth Purkins 
Deathabt Aug 1836
Elizabeth was mentioned in the 1 October 1806 will of her husband, Mace Clements, proved 16 February 1807. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 7.]
In an undated petition, orators and oratrices Elizabeth Foster, Ewen Clements and Sally his wife, Mary Purkins an infant under 21 only child of Gabriel Purkins deceased by Thomas Pilcher her next friend, Henry and Sally Perkins infants and only children of George Perkins by Winter Bray, Thomas Perkins, Carter Perkins, Harry Perkins, Jesse Perkins, James Perkins and William Perkins complained that William Perkins died in 1815 intestate. Your orators and oratrices are his children and grandchildren. That Elizabeth Foster, Ewen Clements and Sally his wife, Mary Perkins, Thomas Perkins, Carter Perkins, Harry Perkins, Jesse Perkins, James Perkins and William Perkins are each entitled to 1/10th share. [Essex County, Virginia, Loose Paper, Box Chancery item 37-G-39.]
The will of Elizabeth Foster of the County of Essex was dated 22 September 1835. To Mace Clements all possessions, but if he should die without a child or children, then after his death my property to go to my grandson Thomas Croxton, but if he should die without leaving a child or children, then my property to go to my brothers Thomas and Carter Purkins and my two nieces Mary Henley and Sally Collins, and in the case of the death of either between their children. Son Mace Clements to be executor. Signed Elizabeth Foster. Witnesses: Howard W Montague, Was: H: Purkins. On 17 October 1836, proved by Howard W Montague and Washington H Purkins. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 71.]
On 17 October 1835, Mace Clements and Henry W Latané were bound in the penalty of $20,000 for Mace Clements’s execution of the will of Elizabeth Foster, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 71–72.]
Marriage31 May 1804, Essex County, Virginia