Birth21 Nov 1759
Deathabt Sep 1829
“Frances Jones 21. Nov. 1759” [Wright-Jones Family Bible Record, Library of Virginia, accession number 25073.]
Frances was mentioned in the 5 March 1807 will of her husband, Erasmus Jones, proved on 21 October 1811. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 313–316.]
The will of Frances Jones was dated 29 May 1827. Daughter Ann Fisher. Grand daughter Betsy Noel. Grand daughters Frances Rennolds, Martha Spindle, and Julia Bowie’s children. To Josiah W Fisher. Grand daughters Susan Wright and Sarah Jones. Wm Fisher and Josiah W Fisher to be executors. Signed Frances Jones. Witnesses: Ephraim Beazley, Henry Street. Proved 21 September 1829. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 26.]
On 21 September 1829, William Fisher renounced his right of executorship of the estate of Frances Jones, whereupon on the motion of Josiah W Fisher, the other nominal exeuctor, a certicate was granted him in order to his obtaining probate. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 26.]
On 21 September 1829, Josiah W Fisher and William Fisher were bound in the penalty of $6,000 for Josiah W Fisher’s executorship of the estate of Frances Jones, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 27.]
On 19 October 1829, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Frances Jones, deceased, was made by E: Beazley, Robt. S Noel, and L: L: Jones. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 32–33.]
The estate of Frances Jones, decd., in account with Josiah W. Fisher, exeuctor, from 1829 to 1830 was ordered recorded 19 July 1830. Includes payment of $166.67 to “Ann Fisher amt. legacy” and to “Edmund F. Noel amt. legacy bequeathed his wife”. Also “this sum paid Walter Bowie Guardian of Catharine & James Bowie their proportion of legacy bequeathed them” and “this Sum being the amount of legacy bequeathed J. W. Fisher Executor” and “Silas B. Spindle his proportion of legacy bequeathed his wife”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 111–112.]