Deathabt May 1829
The will of Sarah Pitts of Essex County was dated 2 April 1829. To daughter Milly Sale the negroe woman called big Tilda and her children. To son Bevin D Pitts negroes Peter, Caty and Ned, and $133. To daughter Fanny Oneale, negroe woman Anna and her children. To niece Sarah Oneale $100. To niece Sarah J Ellis during her life the negroe woman Winney and her children, and after her death to her children. To great daughters Sarah W. Ellis and Jane Ellis $100 each. The rest of estate to son David W. Pitts, he to pay debts and legacies. Signed Sarah her x mark Pitts. Witnesses: Wm B Beverley, Wm Bell Jr. Proved 18 May 1829. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 371–372.]