NameGeorgie Moore ![](../img/i_tree.png)
Birthabt Mar 1879, New York
Death8 Apr 1946
BurialSt. Johns Cemetery, Yonkers, Westchester County, New York
OccupationPiano teacher
1880 U.S. Census, State of New York, County of Westchester, Town of Yonkers
4th Ward, Page 634
Dwelling 149, Household 151
Moore, Christopher, white, male, 42, married, farmer, born in Ireland, both parents born in Ireland
Moore, Emma, white, female, 38, wife, married, keeping house, born in England, both parents born in England
Moore, Grace B., white, female, 12, daughter, single, at school, attended school, born in New York, father born in Ireland, mother born in England
Moore, George B., white, male, 10, son, single, at school, attended school, born in New York, father born in Ireland, mother born in England
Moore, Cora L., white, female, 6, daughter, single, born in New York, father born in Ireland, mother born in England
Dwelling 149, Household 152
Moore, John, white, male, age 40, married, farmer, born in Ireland, both parents born in Ireland
Moore, Catherine, white, female, age 38, married, keeping house, born in Ireland, both parents born in Ireland
Moore, Isabella G., white, female, age 14, daughter, works in carpet factory, born in New York, both parents born in Ireland
Moore, Henry, white, male, age 12, son, at school, born in New York, both parents born in Ireland
Moore, James M., white, male, age 10, son, at school, born in New York, both parents born in Ireland
Moore, Georgeanna, white, female, age 3, daughter, born in New York, both parents born in Ireland
1900 U.S. Census, State of New York, County of Westchester, City of Yonkers, 7th Ward:
Sheet 254A
Jerome Avenue
Dwelling 10, Household 10
Moore, John, head, white, male, born Dec 1839[?], age 60, married for 40 years, born in Ireland, both parents born in Ireland, immigrated in 1863, 37 years in the United States, naturalized citizen, no occupation listed, can read, can write, can speak English
Moore, Katherine, wife, white, female, born March 1854, age 56, married for 40 years, has had 9 children, of whom 3 are living, born in Ireland, both parents born in Ireland, immigrated in 1863, 37 years in the United States, can read, can write, can speak English
Moore, Isabella, daughter, white, female, born Jan 1861, age 38, married for 17 years, mother of 6 children, of whom 5 are living, born in New York, both parents born in Ireland
Moore, Georgia, daughter, white, female, born March 1879, age 21, single, born in New York, both parents born in Ireland
Hyde, John, grandson, white, male, born April 1885, age 15, single, born in New York, father born in Ireland, mother born in New York, attended school for 12 months, can read, can write, can speak English
Also in this household are four farm laborers.
1905 New York State Census
County of Westchester, City of Yonkers, Seventh Ward, Second Election District, Page 18
32 Midland Avenue [other families at this residence]
Moore, John, head, white, male, 66, born in No. Ireland, 42 years in the United States, citizen, farmer, working on own account
Moore, Catharine, wife, white, female, 63, born in No. Ireland, 42 years in the United States, citizen, housework
Moore, Georgeiana, daughter, white, female, 25, born in the United States, citizen, music teacher, working on own account
1910 U.S. Census, State of New York, County of Westchester, City of Yonkers:
Sheet 15A
124 Oliver Avenue
Household 303
Moore, John, head, male, white, age 70, married for 40 years, born Ire-English, both parents listed as Ire-English, year of immigration 1870, naturalized citizen, speaks English, occupation “own income”, can read and write, owns home free of mortgage
Moore, Catherine, wife, female, white, age 57, married for 40 years, mother of 9 children, of whom 3 are living, born Ire-English, both parents listed as Ire-English, immigrated in 1870, speaks English,
Moore, Georgie, daughter, female, white, age 28, single, born in New York, both parents listed as Ire-English, speaks English, occupation musician, owns studio, works on own account, can read and write
1920 U.S. Census, State of New York, County of Westchester, City of Yonkers:
Sheet 17B
124 Oliver Avenue
Dwelling 105, Household 411
Hyde, James, head, rents, male, white, age 34, married, can read and write, born in New York, father born in Ireland, father’s native tongue English, mother born in New York, speaks English, news dealer with stand, works on own account
Hyde, Elsie, wife, female, white, age 24, married, can read and write, born in New York, both parents born in Germany, native tongue of both parents German, speaks English, no occupation
Hyde, Edith, daughter, female, white, age 6, single, in school, born in New York, both parents born in New York, no occupation
Hyde, Muriel, daughter, female, white, age 3, single, born in New York, both parents born in New York, no occupation
Abnir [or Abair?], Berefia[?], daughter [interlined note may change this to step-daughter], female, white, age 11 [or 17?], single, not in school, can read and write, born in New York, both parents born in France, native tongue of both parents French, speaks English, no occupation
Household 412
Family of George Sutherland, 50, immigrant from Scotland, and his wife, Mary, 48, and children George, 20 and Georgina, 17
Household 413
Moore, John, head, owner, mortgaged, male, white, age 81, married, immigrated in 1863, naturalized in 1868, can read, cannot write, born in Ireland, native language English, both parents born in Ireland, native language of both English, speaks English, occupation retired farmer, wage worker
Moore, Catherine, wife, female, white, age 78, married, immigrated in 1863, naturalized in 1868, can read, cannot write, born in Ireland, native language English, both parents born in Ireland, native language of both English, speaks English, no occupation
Moore, Georgie, daughter, female, white, age 36, single, can read, can write, born in New York, both parents born in Ireland, native language of both English, speaks English, occupation teacher of piano, works on own account
Miss Georgie Moore of 124 Oliver Avenue and her grand-niece, Zita Borland of Bryn Mawr Park, have returned from Proctor, Vt., where they spent two weeks’ vacation.
[The Yonkers Statesman, 11 September 1926, page 3.]