Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
NameRichard Tyler
Deathabt Nov 1761
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
FatherRichard Tyler (-~1734)
MotherSusannah (-1767)
Richard Tyler was mentioned in the 4 December 1732 will of his father Richard Tyler: To beloved son Richard Tyler after the death of my beloved wife Susanna Tyler the plantation whereon I now live with all ye land belonging to me Between Piscataway Creek and the Road together with a peice I purchased lately adjoining to it. To beloved son Richard Tyler at the time of my wifes decease the best feather bed & furniture belonging to me. To said son Richard Tyler after my wifes decease a negroe man Named Will. Beloved wife Susanna Tyler and beloved sons Richard Tyler and William Tyler to be Executrix and Executors. The will was proved on 21 May 1734. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 264–266.]

On 21 May 1734, Richard Tyler, William Tyler and Abraham Montague were bound £1000 sterling for Richard Tyler and William Tyler’s execution of the will of Richard Tyler deceased. Signed Richd Tyler, Wm Tyler, Abrahm Mountague. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 266–267.]

On 11 August 1752, Richard Tyler sold to Richard Gatewood. Lease and release, Richard Tyler to Richard Gatewood, 200 acres of land, more or less, formerly purchased by Thomas St. John. Witnesses: Wm Covington, William Dunn, Luke Covington. Recorded 18 August 1752. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 26, pages 110–113.]

The will of Richard Tyler of South Farnham Parish and the County of Essex, Gentleman, was dated 21 October 1761. Sick and weak. To beloved wife Anne during her life, negroes. After her decease, negroes to be divided among the surviving children of Richard Gatewood, Gentleman, deceased. To daughter Frankey the wife of Robt Cole, negro Frank. To Elizabeth daughter of John and Catha Corrie, negro Simon. To grandson William Gatewood, riding horse and saddle, he paying to his brother Philemon Gatewood £6. To good friend John Corrie and Catherin his wife my Niece, my Negroman Glasgow. To Anne Montague Daughter of Abraham Montague and Elizabeth his wife, negro girl Daphney. Executors to pay annually to Sister Mary Boughan £3. Estate in Middlesex to be sold. To friends William Young, James Webb Junr and John Corrie, £5 current money each. Remainder of estate of Richard Gatewood’s children and to Frankey Cole. Beloved wife Anne to be executrix with Wm Young, James Webb Junr and John Corrie executors. Signed Richard his @ mark Tyler. Witnesses: ABm Montague, William Young, John Cloudas, William Cloudas. Proved on 16 November 1761. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 11, pages 386–389.]

The estate of a Richard Tyler, gentleman, was appraised by Richard Jeffries, John, Richard, and Smith Young, recorded 17 October 1763. The total valuation was sizeable. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 73–76.] Additional property was listed in Middlesex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 76–77.] The sales of the estate were recorded in Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 12, pages 77–85.]
ChildrenFrances “Frankey” (-1800)
Last Modified 8 Dec 2005Created 11 Dec 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
Last updated 11 December 2023
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