NameWilliam Daniel 
Birthbef 1665, Virginia
Death29 May 1723, Middlesex County, Virginia
Burial31 May 1723, Middlesex County, Virginia
ResidenceMiddlesex County, Virginia
Data from Middlesex, Virginia, Daniel Descendants, by Robert Neville Mann and Cathrine Cleek Mann of Cedar Bluff, Alabama, published by Whitener’s Lettershop of Rome, Georgia, in 1959.
“William Daniell Junr & Constance Vause both of this pish was married 24 July 1686.” [The Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Va. from 1653 to 1812, Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield Company Reprints and Remainders, 1990, page 29.]
“1686 Married…24 Ditto. [Janry.] William Daniell Junr & Constance Vause both Natives.” [The Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Va. from 1653 to 1812, Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield Company Reprints and Remainders, 1990, page 33.]
He was undersheriff of Middlesex County, Virginia, in 1689.
On 7 December 1691, Capt. Wm Daniel was appointed a trustee of the court to oversee the building of a new courthouse. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deeds Etc. 1687–1750, item #5, contains original signature.]
On 7 January 1694, “Ordered that Capt William Daniell & mr John Smith Senr doe make an agreement with what Workman they shall think fitt to build a Court house and prison in Mr Richd Robinsons old feild and what agreement Shall be by them made is ordered to be Confirmed” [Middlesex County, Virginia, Order Book 8, page 10.]
The will of William Daniell was dated 27 February 1722. “In the Name of God Amen I William Daniell being in health of body and of perfect Sence and memory Doe make this my last will and Testament first I bequeath my Soul to God that made it and my body to the earth from whence it Came & all my worldly goods as followeth
Item I give unto my Son Wm Daniell my plantation wth ye Tract of Land I Live on to him and his
heirs for Ever Lawfully begot of his body and for want of Such heirs to Eliz., Sarah, Mary, Ann, and Agatha Daniell my Daughters & their heirs
Item I Give unto my Son Will. Daniell my brandy Still and a Table and Carpitt belonging to it
Item I Give unto my Sons Mosely, John, Robeart, Obadiah Daniell all my track of Jemeco Land to be Equally Divided among them both for goodness and quanitty to them and their heirs for ever Lawfully begot of their bodys and their heirs for ever Lawfully begot of their own bodys and for want of Such heirs to my daughters above name & their heirs
Item I Give unto my Daughter Elizth Daniell a Young Negro boy Calld Ben for her full Share
Item I Give unto my Caughter Sarah Daniell my feather bed that I Lye upon with all the furniture and £3 Str to buy her a Suit of Cloths for her Share
Item I Give unto Mosely & John Daniell a feather bed that Stands above Stairs with the furniture
Item I give unto Robeart and Obadiah Daniell a feather bed that Sandes in ye Clossit with ye furniture
Item I Give unto Elizt Mary Ann & Agatha Daniell two feather bedd and furniture, the one a Trunnel bed the other at Jemeco Elizabeth Entierlind[???] Carried over to ye other side [turn of the page]
Item I Give unto Mosely, John, Robeart, and Obadiah Daniel a Negro Woman Called Katte with her increase
My Desire is that my three youngest Daughters Mary Ann and Agatha Daniell Live at Jemeco upon their brothers plantations till they are marry’d & their Nego Wench that their unkle John Moseley byes for them to have ground to work upon to make Cropes for their maintenance with the help of their brothers
Item I Divide all the Rest of my whole personal Estate to be equaly divided among my Children that is to Say Mosely John Robeard Obadiah Mary Ann & Agatha Daniell
My Desire is that none of my Estate be appraised but that my Children have it to Live upon
Item And Lastly I make my Sons William John Robeart and Obadiah Daniell Execrs of this my Last Will and Testament as wittness my hand and Seal this 27th day of feby 1722
Will Daniell”
Witnesses: David his D mark Gorge [sic], John George, Ann her A mark Gardner. Presented in court by William Daniel on 2 July 1723 and proved by the witnesses. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Will Book B, 1713–1734, pages 267–268.]
“William Daniel dyed May ye 29 & was buried May ye 31 1723.” [The Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Va. from 1653 to 1812, Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield Company Reprints and Remainders, 1990, page 181.]
Deathbef 1701
FatherJohn Vause
Marriage1686, Middlesex County, Virginia