Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
NameMary Moody
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Possibly Mary’s surname was Moody.

On 10 December 1713, John Smith of St Ann Parish sold to Ephraim Paget of St Ann Parish and Mary his wife. For 100 pounds good tobacco and cask from Ephraim Paget and Mary his wife, Smith sells Ephraim Paget and Mary his wife and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten all the land on which Thomas Conoly lived, plus 115 acres in St Anns. Ephraim Paget and Mary his wife are to pay 1 peppercorn rent at the feast of St. Michael. Signed John Smith. Witnesses: Salvator Muscoe, Nathl Fogg, Tho: Winslow. Dated 10 December 1713, recorded 9 April 1714. A deed dated 11 December 1713 conveys a guarantee on the land in exchange for 5,000 pounds tobacco. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 236–238.]

She was appointed executor of her husband’s estate in 1724.

A Mary Pagett was mentioned in the 10 December 1735 will of John Moody. Mary was to receive one Gold ring of ten Shillings price. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 157–158.]

“To all People to whome this shall Come I Mary Pagett widow and Relict of Ephraim Pagett late of Essex County decd Sondeth Greeting Know ye that the sd Mary Mary Pagett for And in Consideration for the sum of four Hundred & fifty pounds of Tobacco to be paid to her Yearly by James Munday Senr his heirs or assigns, hath remised released and forever quit claimed, and by these presents doth fully and absolutely remise & unto the sd James Munday his heirs or assigns all manner of Dower and right of Title of Dower whatsoever…” Signed Mary Paget, James Munday. Witnesses: Richd Covington, Wm his x mark Gordon, Wm Parker. Recorded 21 July 1752. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 26, Page 97.]

On 21 March 1758, Archibald Ritchie and Samuel Hipkins were bound £100 for Archibald Ritchie’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of a Mary Paget. Recorded 21 March 1758. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 11, pages 77–78.]

The appraisal of the estate of a Mary Pagett was returned on 4 April 1758 by T Waring, John Merritt, and John Smith. Total valuation £18.5.2. By order of 21 February 1758. Recorded 6 May 1758. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 11, page 110.]

On 19 January 1761, a Mary Paget and Henry Kidd were bound £200 for Mary Paget’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of an Ephraim Paget. Signed Mary her — mark Paget, Henry Kidd. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 11, pages 295–296.]

The appraisal of the estate of a Mary Pagett was made 28 March 1765 by Samuel Davis, John, Smith, and James Stoakes. Total valuation £1.16.3. Recorded 19 August 1766. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 12, page 247.]
Birthbef 1688
FatherEdmund Pagitt (1646-1722)
MotherElizabeth (<1655->1723)
ChildrenEdmond (~1717-)
 John (~1720-1745)
 Lucy (~1720-<1771)
 Peggy (1723-)
Last Modified 14 Dec 2017Created 11 Dec 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
Last updated 11 December 2023
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