NameGeorge Wright 
Birth5 Mar 1795
Death29 Nov 1850, Essex County, Virginia
“George Wright 5 March 1795” [Wright-Jones Family Bible Record, Library of Virginia, accession number 25073.]
“George Wright to Susan F. Jones 17 January 1816” [Wright-Jones Family Bible Record, Library of Virginia, accession number 25073.]
On 21 June 1819, George Wright, Thomas Wright, Thomas Pitts, and Joseph Janey were bound in the penalty of $120,000 for George Wright’s exeuctorship of the estate of John Jones. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 45–46.]
The estate of John Jones, deceased, in account with George Wright, executor, from 1819 to 1822 was returned to court on 17 March 1823 and was ordered recorded on 24 May 1823. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 376–381.]
On 21 April 1823, William H. Hill, Joseph P. Hill, Fontaine Wood, Laneas C. Gatewood and George Wright were bound in the penalty of $15,000 for William H. Hill’s executorship of the estate of Thomas Hill, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 372–373.]
On 14 June 1827, a George Wright submitted his report on the division of the estate of Richard Ryland. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 35, item 35-J-29.]
On 3 August 1832, a bill was filed in the case of Garnett vs. Wright. Orators Reubin M. Garnett Guardian of Ellen H. Jones and Thomas C. Gordon and Martha M. M. Gordon the wife of the said Thomas C. Gordon. That John Jones late of the County of Essex the father of your oratrix Martha M. M. departed this life in the month of June 1819 having first made a last will and testament. The land has been divided among the parties thereto entitled—68 acres allotted to your oratrix, her brother John G. Jones and her sister Ellen H. Jones. That the said John G. Jones died an infant without issue in 1824 leaving the following parties entitled to his portion: Susan F. Wright wife of George Wright, Keturah W. Pitts wife of Reubin L. Pitts who has since died leaving an only child John H. Pitts who is at this time an infant, Mary D. Wright wife of Thomas Wright Junr who has also since died leaving two children Selden S. Wright and Sally W. Wright who died an infant, and Sarah A. Jones now Sarah A. Roane, wife of Laurence Roane, the said Susan F., Keturah W., Mary D. and Sarah A. being sisters of the half blood, and your oratrix and the said Ellen H. Jones sisters of the whole blood. Your orator Reubin M. Garnett shews that Ellen H. Jones is entitled to no real estate other than that above mentioned [in the will] and that she is entitled to the following personal estate (including negroes held by her mother Mrs Susan Jones for life under the will of the said John Jones deceased) and 2/13 of 1/7 as distributee of her brother John G. Jones deceased and also an interest in certain property held at this time by Mrs Mary Garnett her grandmother for life under the will her granfather Reubin Garnett [includes a description of property]. Your orator believes that the interest of the said Ellen H. Jones would be greatly promoted by a sale of her interest in the said tract of land. Your orator Thomas C. Gordon and Martha M. M. his wife are also desirous to sell the land. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 45, item 45-G-8.]
On 21 September 1835, Richard Motley, Benjamin H Munday, Laurence Roane and George Wright were bound in the penalty of $100,000 for Richard Motley’s administration of the estate of William Fisher, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 410.]
George Wright was named an executor in the 12 November 1835 will of John H. Micou, proved on 21 December 1835 and 16 May 1836. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 20–21.]
On 21 December 1835, George Wright, James Roy Micou Jr, James Wright and John M Garnett were bound in the penalty of $40,000 for George Wright’s execution of the last will and tesatament of John H Micou, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 431.]
George Wright was mentioned in the 19 August 1836 will of his father, Thomas Wright, proved 20 July 1840. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 492–495.]
On 19 September 1836, Barbara Gatewood, Jones C Clopton, Richard J Muse, Edwd M Ware, Wm L Gatewood, George Wright and Oscar M Crutchfield were bound in the penalty of $38,000 for Barbara Gatewood’s adminsitration with the will annexed of the estate Kemp Gatewood, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 67.]
On 21 November 1836, William Wright and George Wright were bound in the penalty of $4,000 for William Wright’s administration of the estate of Robert Wright, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 88–89.]
On 15 January 1838, Richard Motley, as administrator of the estate of William Fisher, deceased, sold Negroes belonging to the estate. To William P. Taylor: Boy Philip, Girl Rachel, Frances and child about 8 mos. old; to Robert H. Harrison: Dennis; to George Wright: Sam Kellis; to James C. Clopton: Daniel; to Achilles Lumpkin: Martha; to Mr. Malichote [?]: Eliza. Total valuation $5,326.00. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 276.]
The estate of John H. Micou, deceased, in account with George Wright and James Roy Micou, his executors, from 1836 to 1837 was ordered recorded on 21 May 1838. Mentions “paid John S. Rowzee including all expenses incurred in selling sundry slaves in Mississippi & Louisiana”; to “James R. Micou Jr. for conveying his Negroes to Mississippi”; to “R. M. Garnett for expenses in carrying Mrs. Matthew’s Negroes to Mississippi”; and $11 “paid Fontaine Wood for attention to Negro Mahala in Vicksburg where she died”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 282–287.]
On 1 January 1839, Walter Bowie, Executor of Sthreshley Rennolds, deceased, and George Wright were bound unto James Semple late Sheriff of the County of Essex Committee administrator de bonis non of John Rennolds, deceased, in the sum of $12,000. Whereas by virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery of the County of Caroline pronounced on the 6th day of Sept 1838 in a suit in Chancery pending in the said Court, wherein Laurence Battaile Sheriff of Caroline County committee administrator of Sally Hipkins deceased and Walter Bowie Executor of Sthreshley Rennolds deceased are plaintiffs and said James Semple and others are defendants it was decreed and ordered that Richard Rouzee, Laurence Roane, Leroy W. Dobyns, Edward Wright, Linneus C Gatewood, or any three of them be appointed Commissioners for the purposes should appraise the slaves of John Rennolds deceased in the possession of the said James Semple admor as aforesaid, and devide the said negroes into seven lots of equal value, and allot to each of the plaintiffs two sevenths thereof and said Semple was directed to deliver said Slaves to the plaintiffs upon their executing refuding bonds &c &c, and whereas [blank] of said Commissioners have appraised said negroes at the sum of [blank] dollars and allotted to the plaintiff Walter Bowie Executor of Sthreshley Rennolds decd. the following negroes to wit Campbell, valued at Eight hundred and fifty dollars, William at four hundred dollars, Henrietta at five hundred Dollars, Rowzee at four hundred dollars, William son of Betty at three hundred dollars, Elizabeth two hundred dollars, Andrew seven hundred and fifty dollars, Harry at seven hundred dollars Louisa Caty’s daughter four hundred and fifty dollars, Toby three hundred dollars, Jacob two hundred and fifty dolls & Louisa at two hundred Dollars. Now if the above bound Walter Bowie Exor as aforesaid shall well and truly refund two sevenths of any debts or demands which may hereafter appear against the Estate of the said John Rennolds deceased and the costs attending the recovery of such debs, then the above obligation to be foic, or else to continue in full force and virtue. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 369–370.]
On 16 December 1839, James Durham and George Wright were bound in the penalty of $120 for James Durham’s administration of the estate of Nancy Durham, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 430–431.]
On 16 December 1839, Washington H. Purkins, William A. Wright and George Wright were bound $500 for Washington H. Purkins’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Addison Allen. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 432.]
On 16 December 1839, Washington H. Purkins, William A. Wright and a George Wright were bound $500 for Washington H. Purkins’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Melissa Allen. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 432.]
On 17 February 1840, Edward L. Wright, William Wright and George Wright were bound in the penalty of $100 for Edward L. Wright’s administration of the estate of Henry Bull, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 449.]
On 17 March 1840, William Wright, George Wright, and James Wright were bound in the penalty of $3,500 for Wiliam Wright’s executorship of the estate of Samuel Greenwood, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 453.]
On 20 July 1840, James Wright, George Wright, Thomas Wright, Wm Wright, Charles H Wright, Edward L Wright, Thomas N Clarke, William B Davis and Robert M Davis were bound in the penalty of $90,000 for James Wright’s executorship of the estate of Thomas Wright, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 495–496.]
On 15 March 1841, John S Rowzee and George Wright were bound in the penalty of $8,000 for John S Rowzee’s execution on the estate of Fielding Sale, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 576.]
On 23 April 1842, George Wright provided a deposition in the suit of Purkins vs Foster:
The deposition of George Wright of Lawful age taken at the same time and place to be read as evidence in the suit aforesaid—
This deponent having been duly sworn deposes and says—That he received from Richard Baylor Esq a bond execution by Caty B. Allen to William T. Foster amounting to the best of his recollection to nine hundred dollars with instructions to bring a suit thereon and to receive[?] the amount available as soon as it could be done—a suit was accordingly instituted on the bond some short time thereafter, & the said bond is the subject of the controversy in this suit between the complt and the deft Foster—he does not recollect when he received the bond, but it was some short time before the suit at Law in the name of Foster vs Allen was constituted—and further this deponent saith not.
Geo Wright
Essex County to wit
The foregoing deposition of George Wright subscribed and sworn to before me a Justice of the Peace for said county this 23rd April 1842.
Austin Brockenbrough JP
[Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-B-26.]
On 26 April 1843, George Wright and James Roy Micou, executors of John H. Micou, filed answer to a bill of complaint by Catharine C. Micou. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-B-8.]
“George Wright to Mary B. Spindle Jany 30. 1844” [Wright-Jones Family Bible Record, Library of Virginia, accession number 25073.]
On 14 January 1845, a George Wright was mentioned as a neighboring landowner in a deed from Johnson Games and Elizabeth C. M. his wife of the County of Essex to Silas Conely. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, pages 362–363.]
On 23 December 1846, a sale of certain property of Henry H. Boughan was held that had been conveyed under a deed of trust from Henry H. Boughan to George Wright on 28 January 1837 to secure the payment of $1000 with interest due by bond to Henry W. Latane Esquire. Among the purchasers was Thomas Boughan, who purchased land and slaves for $1,698. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 49, pages 260–261.]
“George Wright 29th day of Nov. 1850” [Wright-Jones Family Bible Record, Library of Virginia, accession number 25073.]
Birth13 Jul 1799
Death11 Nov 1842, Essex County, Virginia
Marriage17 Jan 1816, Essex County, Virginia
male (Stillborn) (1823-1823)
Birth16 Nov 1807, Essex County, Virginia
Death28 Nov 1873, Essex County, Virginia
Marriage30 Jan 1844, Essex County, Virginia