Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
NameThomas Wright
Death31 Mar 1840
On 18 October 1806, slaves belonging to the estate of Thomas Pitts were divided between Spencer Harrison, in right of his wife Margaret Harrison, and Thomas Wright, in right of his wife Molly Wright. Received by the court and ordered recorded on 20 April 1818. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 476–477.]

On 19 December 1808, Edward B. Wood and Thos Wood jr were bound for the marriage of Edward B. Wood, bachelor, and Ann G. Andrews, spinster. Her guardian, a Thos Wright, provided consent on 17 December 1808. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Marriage Bonds, Box 1, 1804–11.]

On 19 December 1808, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Mary Haile, deceased, was presented in court by Ambrose Hunley, Thomas Wright, and Carter Croxton, and ordered recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 98–99.]

On 20 February 1815, Patsey Crow and Thomas Wright Sr. were bound in the penalty of $5,000 for their joint administration of the goods, chattels and credits of John E. Crow, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 120.]

The estate of John E. Crow in account with Thomas Wright, acting administrator, from 1815 to 1820 was settled on 21 August 1820 by Laurence Muse, W. B. Matthews and Geo. W. Banks. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 143–145.]

In an undated petition from about 1826, orators and oratrices [here the name Thomas Pitts is crossed out] Thomas Coghill Thomas Wright senr & Molly his wife, Edward Brooking & Margaret his wife, Edward B. Wood and Ann his wife Robert P Andrews, & Samuel Anderson & Mary E his wife, complained that Thomas Pitts late of the County of Essex father of orators and oratrices [here the name Thomas Pitts is crossed out] & Molly Wright & the grandfather of your oratrices and orator Margaret Brooking Ann Wood, Mary E Anderson & Robert P Andrews died in ____ having published a last will and testament having devised to daughter Margaret Harrison negroes, and to three children of Elizabeth Andrews, now Ann Wood, Archibald Andrews and Robert P. Andrews. Elizabeth Andrews the mother of your oratrices Margaret Brooking and Ann Wood and orator Robert P. Andrews died in ____ and that Archibald died in ____ an infant leaving brothers and sisters of the whole blood your orators Robert P. Andrews and Thomas P. Andrews and oratrices Margaret Brooking and Ann Wood, and one Mary Pollard who has since died leaving two infant children Betsy Pollard and Temple Pollard. That Rose Coghill another daughter of the said Thomas Pitts wife of your orator Thomas Coghill died in ____ leaving your orator. That Sally Green another daughter of the said Thomas Pitts died in ___ leaving a husband Richard Green who has died intestate leaving three children Thomas P. Green, George Green and your oratrix Mary Anderson. The death of Margaret Harrison is expected “as she is at this time very infirm and far advanced in life.” [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 36, item 36-A-29.]

On 19 March 1830, a Thomas Wright, coroner of Essex County, held an inquisition on the death of George Crow. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 83–84.]

Essex County to wit:
“Inquisition indented taken at Jno Crows in the County aforesaid on the 2d of Febry 1835, before me Thos. Wright Sr Coroner for the County aforesaid upon the view of the body of Alexr. Houston late of said County then and there lying dead and upon the oaths of Richd. L Covington Foreman, Richd. D Dunn, Sthreshley Dunn Jno H Smith, Walter G. Covington, Leroy Taylor, Thos. Greenwood, Lowry Norris, Fontaine Wood, Robt T Shackelford, H H Cauthorn, Ach Lumpkin good & lawful men of the County aforesaid who being sworn & charged to enquire on the part of the said Commonwealth when where how and after what manner the said Alex Houston came to his death do say upon their oaths that having examined the said Houstons body are of the opinion that his death was caused from blows inflicted upon his head — by whom they were inflicted we know not — In witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid have to this Inquisition put their seals on the day and year aforesaid and at the place aforesaid—“
Richard L Covington, Richard D Dunn, Sthreshley Dunn, John H Smith, Walter G Covington, Leroy his x mark Taylor, Thomas Greenwood, Lowry Norris, Fontaine Wood, Robt T Shackelford, H H Cauthorn, Achilles Lumpkin. Thomas Wright Cr. Doctor J Minor attended as a physition. Ordered recorded 17 March 1835.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 318.]

On 24 November 1835, an inquisition was taken at the house of Henry A. Taylor, occupied by Thomas B. Martin, before Thomas Wright, coroner, upon the view of the body of Martin, a slave belonging to the estate of John Rennolds, deceased, hired by the said Henry A. Taylor, and upon the oaths of Warner Lewis, James Owen, Philip Coleman, Otway Rennolds, Arthur F. Rennolds, Richard Beazley, Jonathan Latham, Richard T. Hundley, Jackson Dyke, George Skelton, Green Coleman, and Richard Motley, they do say that the said Martin came to his death by being accidentally caught in the machinery of a mill. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 446.]

On 21 January 1836, an inquisition was taken on the death of Ben, a negro boy the property of Geo. Hill of Essex County, and upon the oaths of Robt. M. Davis, James Semple, William Cox, Thomas Harper, Geo Rose, Richd. D Dunn, Geo Skelton, John Clarke, Philip Coleman, James Owen, Charles H Blake, and Obediah Alexander, they “do say … that the said Ben came to his death from blows received by Nelle a female servant, on and about the head of the deceased with helve of a hoe, said Nelle the property of said George Hill”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 458.]

The will of Thomas Wright Senior of Essex County was dated 19 August 1836. To son George Wright negro woman Malissa and her three children, one of whom is named Frances. To Thomas Wright $1,000. To son James Wright negro girl Maria. To son Richard Wright negro boy Jesse. To Robert Wrights four Chidlren viz: Betty L Wright, Benjamin P Wright, Mary L Wright and Catharine M Wright a negro man Muscoe, and Robert’s estate must return negro girl called Lucinda who was loaned. To William Wright negro boy John and 92 acres of land which I purchased of Benjamin Fleet. To daughter Mary E. Jones, a negro girl now in the possession of Mr E. M. Jones named Mildred. To son Charles Henry Stuart Wright negro boy Nelson. To Edward L Wright negro boy named Edgar. As my son Edward L Wright has commenced the studdy of Medicine I direct that he shall continue it and that the funds necesssary for its completion shall be furnished from the increase of my Estate. To daughter Susan M Wright negro girl Martha. The above mentioned articles of property given to my children shall be delivered to them at the pleasure of their Mother when she may think and find it convenient. Rest of estate to be kept together and loaned to my beloved wife Mary Wright during her natural life, for the support of herself and my youngest children who may reside with her. To son Charles Henry Stuart Wright my plantation called Retreat lying in the Counties of Essex and King and Queen, he paying to his brothers and sisters $1,300. After my wife’s death, remainder of estate to be sold and divided, except not to Charles Henry Stuart Wright. My three men Sam, Big Henry and Payne in consideration of their general good conduct I direct shall have the privilege of selecting their homes with any of my children they may prefer, they to be taken at a fair valuation. Chares Henry Stuart to continue with his Mother during her life and manage the Estate with assistance from James, Richard and William. Sons James, Richard, William and Charles Henry Stuart to be executors. Signed Thos. Wright Sr. Witnesses: Achilles Lumpkin, Jno. H. Collins, George Skelton, Thos Harper, Robert Rose. On 20 July 1840, proved by Thomas Harper and Robert Rose. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 492–495.]

“Thomas Wright Senr. 31 March 1840 at 35 minutes past 7 Oclock AM.” [Wright-Jones Family Bible Record, Library of Virginia, accession number 25073.]

On 20 July 1840, James Wright, George Wright, Thomas Wright, Wm Wright, Charles H Wright, Edward L Wright, Thomas N Clarke, William B Davis and Robert M Davis were bound in the penalty of $90,000 for James Wright’s executorship of the estate of Thomas Wright, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 495–496.]
Birthabt 1776, Virginia
FatherThomas Pitts (-~1806)
ChildrenGeorge (1795-1850)
 Thomas (1797-)
 Benjamin (1799-1830)
 James (1801-)
 Richard (1804-)
 Robert (1806-1836)
 Henry (1808-1808)
 William (1810-)
 Mary Elizabeth (1812-)
 Charles Henry Stuart (1815-1842)
 Edward Laurence (1816-1860)
 Susan Matilda (1819-1840)
Last Modified 8 Jul 2022Created 11 Dec 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
Last updated 11 December 2023
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