NameThomas L. O’Neale 
Deathabt Mar 1835
On 6 January 1831, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Leonard Sale was made by Thos. L O’Neale, Richard Faver, and Larkin Noel. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 208–209.]
The will of Thomas O’Neale was dated 22 February 1835. I lend to beloved wife Fanny O’Neale during her life, my houses and lots at Loyds on which I reside, and slaves Harriet a woman, Delila a girl, and Dick a boy. $200 to be paid to Fanny annually by my son Albert G O’Neale, and corn from estate called Lindsay Hall. The balance of my negroes should be devised into four equal parts: one to son Albert G O’Neale and my friends David W. Pitts and B D Pitts in Trust for the use, benefit, support and maintenance of my son Robert Johnson during his life, and after his death to his child or children if any, and if none, then to my other children or their heirs in equal parts. To son Albert G and the said David W Pitts and B D Pitts in trust for the benefit of my daughter Mary Lindsay Andrews and her children, to be in no manner in the control of her husband Robert P Andrews. The other part to the trustees in trust for daughter Sarah J Jones & children. To son Albert G O’Neale balance of estate. Albert G. O’Neale to be executor. Signed Thomas O’Neale. Witnesses: W. A. Wright, L. C. Gatewood, A R Garnett. Codicil of 25 February 1835: I lend to my wife negro girl Alice. Farm Lindsay Hall to be kept together for 1835. Witnesses: Alfred H Garnett, James Powers, Madison Eaton. Proved in court on 16 March 1835. Certificate granted Albert G ONeale in order to his obtaining probate. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 319–320.]
On 20 July 1835, Albert G. ONeale was bound in the penalty of $30,000 for his execution of the estate of Thomas L. O’Neale, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 373–374.]
Thomas L. Oneale was mentioned in the 24 February 1824 will of Hannah Neale, proved 21 September 1840, in which he was named executor. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 504.]