NameMary “Polly” Dunn 
Polly Smith was mentioned in the 3 June 1828 will of her father, John Dunn, proved 15 September 1828. (After other bequests) the remainder of my estate both real and personal to be divided between my daughters Polly Smith and Letty Dunn after my just debts are paid, and for that purpose it is my will that my executors sell the tract of land on which I now live called New Glasgow. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 286–288.]
On 21 May 1832, a deed was executed between William Croxton of the Parish of South Farnham and County of Essex of the one part, and John Smith in right of his wife Polly Smith and Letty Dunn of the same parish and county of the other part. Whereas Caty Dunn and Richard Croxton by their deed bearing date the 20th October 1821 and recorded in the Clerks Office of the County Court of Essex the said Caty Dunn did sell and convey among other property a tract of land situated in the parish of South Farnham and County of Essex containing eighteen acres more or less which tract of land the said Caty inherited from her father Thomas Crutcher; and the said Richard Croxton (who is a son of William Croxton deceased and the said Caty) did sell and convey among other property his portion of one fifth part of the lands held by the said Caty who was Caty Croxton widow of William Croxton deceased as her dower in the lands of the said William Croxton deceased dower consists of a tract of land situated in the parish and County aforesaid containing about twenty three acres unto the said William Croxton his heirs and assigns forever. In Trust nevertheless with full power and authority to the said William Croxton his heirs and assigns whenever he or they should think proper or he or they should be required by John Dunn to whom the sum of money mentioned in the said deed was secured to be paid to sell the property in the said deed Conveyed or such part thereof as should be necessary for the purpose of satisfying and paying the sum of money in the said deed mentioned with any interest that may beh accrued thereon the said William Croxton his heirs or assigns giving at least ten days notice of such sale at the Courthouse door of the County of Essex on some Court day and at one or more public places in the said County — And the said William Croxton having been required so to do by the said John Dunn did after having given notice of the sale as required in the said deed proceeded to sell to the highest bidder for Cash the property in the said deed conveyed and did sell the aforesaid tract of land containing eighteen acres more or less and the said John Dunn became the purchaser, and did also sell the said Richard Croxtons portion of one fifth part of the dower land held by the said Caty Dunn as aforesaid and the said John Dunn became the purchaser, and whereas the said John Dunn departed this life without having obtained of the said William Croxton any conveyance of the said lands and whereas it appears from the Testament and last Will of the said John Dunn recorded in the County Court of Essex that the said Polly Smith and Letty Dunn are intitled to the said lands — Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said William Croxton for and in consideration of the premises and of the full amount of the purchase money for the said lands paid to him by the said John Dunn in his lifetime and in further consideration of one dollar paid to him paid by John Smith in right of his wife Polly Smith and Letty Dunn sells to John Smith in right of his wife Polly Smith and Letty Dunn the tract of land herein mentioned containing 18 acres more or less which Caty Dunn inherited from her father Thomas Crutcher, and Richard Croxton’s portion of one fifth part of the lands held by Caty Dunn who was Caty Croxton widow of William Croxton deceased as her dower containing about twenty three acres. Signed William Croxton. No witnesses. On 21 May 1832, acknowledged by William Croxton and ordered recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 43, pages 579–581.]