Images: Lee Boughan wrote the following: Cora Lee Boughan was born Jan the 15 1881. She originally wrote 1880, but crossed it out and wrote 1881.
1900 U.S. Census for Essex County, Virginia:
Baughan, Thomas W., head, Sep 1848, 52, married 30 years, farmer, 0 months unemployed, rents, farm schedule #147
Baughan, Mary E., wife, Oct 1847, 52, married 30 years, 8 children, 6 survive
Baughan, Cora L., daughter, Jan 1880, 20, single
Baughan, Thomas, son, May 1883, 12, farm laborer, 0 months umemployed
Baughan, Joseph E., son, Apr 1888, 12, single, at school now for 5 years. All can read and write.
The roll of members of the Women’s Missionary Union of Mt. Zion Church, Dunbrooke, Essex County, Virginia, lists Cora Boughan in 1900. [Planted 1774 by Mildred Bates, Missouri Baptist Press, Jefferson City, Missouri, 1974, page 218.]
1910 U.S. Census for Essex County, Virginia:
Rappahannock District, Dwelling 357, Family 366, on road between Ware’s Warf and Dunnsville
Boughan, Thomas W., 61, married 41 years, farmer on general farm, rents, farm schedule 343
Boughan, Mary E., 62, has had 8 children, of whom 5 survive
Boughan, Thomas H., 26, farmer on house farm
Boughan, Cora L., 27, seamstress in own house
Boughan, Joseph L., 22, salesman in general merchandise
1920 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia:
Enumeration District 44
Rappahannock District, Dwelling 235, Family 236, Ware’s Wharf Road
Boughan, Thos. W., head, rents house, male, white, age 71, married, can read and write, born in Virginia, both parents born in Virginia, speaks English, farmer, general farm, employer
Boughan, Mary E., wife, white, female, age 72, married, can read and write, born in Virginia, both parents born in Virginia, speaks English, no occupation
Boughan, Cora, daughter, female, white, age 36, can read and write, born in Virginia, both parents born in Virginia, speaks English, seamstress, at home, working on own accounts
Davis, Pearl, granddaughter, female, white, age 17, not in school, can read and write, born in Virginia, both parents born in Virginia, speaks English, no occupation
Richard T. Brizendine married Cora L. Boughan on 24 October 1923 in Essex County, Virginia, by the Rev. T. N. Tombes, a Baptist Minister. He was 44, single, born in Essex County, living in Laneview, and a farmer. She was 41, single, born in Essex County, living in Dunnsville. The parents were Wilton Brizendine and Thursday Shearwood, and Thomas W. Boughan and Mary E. Taylor. [Essex County, Virginia, Marriage Register 2, page 60.]
1930 U.S. Census, Middlesex County, Virginia
Jamaica Magisterial District, Enumeration District 60-2, Sheet 2-A
U.S.-17, Dwelling 32, Family 34
Brizendine, Richard T., head, owned, value $2,000 [crossed through, as were many other records], on a farm, male, white, 50, married, age at first marriage 44, not in school, can read and write, born in Virginia, both parents born in Virginia, speaks English, farmer on general farm, works on own account, at work previous day, not a veteran, 29 on farm schedule
Brizendine, Cora V., wife, female, 47, married, age at first marriage 40, not in school, can read and write, born in Virginia, both parents born in Virginia, speaks English, no occupation
1940 U.S. Census, Middlesex County, Virginia:
Jamaica Magisterial District, Page 19
[Highway] 17, lane
Owns home, valued at $1000, farm, Brizendine, Cora, head, female, white, 56, widowed, not in school, highest grade attained H-1, born in Virginia, lived in same place in 1935, not employed or seeking work, engaged in house work, has other income, 134 on farm schedule
On 3 December 1942 in Essex County, Virginia, in a Methodist ceremony, Jopseph Davis was married to Cora Brizendine, whose maiden name was Cora Boughan. He was 69; male; widower; married once previously; occupation farmer; born in Essex County; father was Samuel Davis; mother was Frances Dunn; resident of Upright, Virginia. She was 61; white; widow; married once previously; occupation housekeeper; born in Essex County; father was Thos. W. Boughan; mother was Mary E. Taylor; resident of Laneview, Virginia. [Commonwealth of Virginia, Certificate of Marriage 39353.]
The marriage of Joseph Davis and Cora Brizendine was recorded on 3 December 1942 at Essex County, Virginia. He was 69, widowed, living in Upright, Virginia, working as a farmer. She was 61, widowed, living in Laneview, Virginia. They were married in a Methodist ceremony. The parents were Samuel Davis and Frances Dunn, and Thos. W. Boughan and Mary E. Taylor. [Essex County Marriage Register Book 3, 1935-43.]
On 4 January 1946, Mrs. Joseph Davis of Upright was listed as an heir to her deceased brother C. R. Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills Fiduciary Accounts, Etc., 8, p. 29.]
1950 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia
Enumeration District 29-7, Sheet 29
Dwelling 179, on a farm
Davis, Joseph, head, white, male, 76, married, born in Virginia, working, 20 hours worked, farmer on farm, working on own account
Davis, Cora L., wife, white, female, 65, married, born in Virginia, housework, not seeking work, highest grade attended 8
On 11 April 1963 Cora B. Davis died. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Fiduciary Accounts, Etc. Book 12, p. 489.]
Pearl Irene Davis Kopp said on 16 November 1991 that Cora was a masterful seamstress. When silk shirts became popular in Essex County, Cora would make them and sell them for $50 each, mainly to the wealthier families in Essex County, including the Hun(d)leys. Pearl said that Cora helped teach her how to sew.
There is a tombstone for Richard T. Brizendine and Cora Lee Brizdendine at Ephesus Baptist Church in Dunnsville, Virginia, but there is no death date listed there, so she may be buried elsewhere. The tombstone gives her birth date as 15 January 1881.