Images: United States Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
6th Ward, Dwelling 1174, Household 1408
Trautwein, George, 38, male, white, Stove Finisher, $800 in personal property, born in Baden, literate, can vote
Trautwein, Juliana, 38, female, white, born in Bavaria
Trautwein, John, 14, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Frank, 12, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Henry, 9, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Joseph, 6, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Elizabeth, 4, female, white
Trautwein, Katie, 1, female, white
1880 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
Enumeration District 174, Sheet 13
751 Pratt Street
Dwelling 107, Household 136
Ridgeway, Wm E, white, male, 30, married, occupation carpenter, born in Maryland, father born in Maryland, mother’s place of birth blank
Ridgeway, Mary E. E., white, female, 28, wife, married, keeping house, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland
Ridgeway, Mary W., white, female, 8/12, born in September, daughter, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland
Miller D S, white, male, 52, boarder, single, retired sea captain, born in New Yorker [sic], father born in Massachusetts, mother born in New York
Trottwine, Katie, white, female, 10, relationship to head of household is nurse, single, occupation nurse, born in Maryland, both parents born in Germany.
On 6 May 1883, Catherine Trautwein was confirmed at St. Matthews [St. Matthias?] Church in Baltimore, Maryland. Her certificate states that she was born 21 September 1869. [Original certificate in possession of Thomas Moore, 2006.]
On 11 May 1887, a male child was born at No. 1931 Fairmount Avenue in Baltimore City, Maryland, to Carrie Moore (maiden name Trautwein), born in Baltimore, and Thomas Wm Moore, a can maker, born in New York. This was the first child born to the mother. The medical attendant was Mrs. Mary A. Allwell of 912 McDonough Street. [Baltimore City, Maryland, Return of a Birth 94430.]
On 18 June 1889, a male child was born at 1931 Fairmount Avenue to Carrie Moore (maiden name Trautwein), born in Baltimore, and Thomas W. Moore, a canmaker, born in New York. This was their second child. Attending the birth was Mrs. Mary A. Allwell of 912 McDonogh Street. [Baltimore City, Maryland, Birth Certificate A12869.]
On 22 August 1892, Thomas W. Moore and Catherine Moore purchased real property at 140 Washington Street in Baltimore City, Maryland:
This deed made this twenty second day of August in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety two between Christina Smith widow of the City of Baltimore in the State of Maryland of the first part and Thomas W Moore and Catharine Moore his wife of the same place of the second part Witnesseth that in consideration of the sum of six hundred dollars the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said Christina Smith doth grant unto the said Thomas W Moore and Catharine Moore their personal representative and assigns all that lot of ground situate and lying in the City of Baltimore aforesaid and described as follows Beginning for the same on the West side of Washington street at the distance of one hundred and thirteen feet eight inches Southerly from the Southwest corner of Washington and Fayette streets and running thence Southerly binding on Washington street thirteen feet eight inches thence Westerly parallel with Fayette street fifty seven feet to a three foot alley thence Northerly binding on said Alley with the use and privilege thereof thirteen feet eight inches thence Easterly by a straight line fifty seven feet to the place of beginning Being the same lot of ground which by deed dated the 15th day of August 1879 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber F. A. P. No 847 folio 353&c was assigned by Charles Streeper and wife to the said Christina Smith Together with the buildings thereupon and the rights Alleys ways waters privileges advantages and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining To Have and To Hold the said described lot of ground and premises unto and to the use of the said Thomas W Moore and Catharine Moore their personal representatives and assigns for all the residue of the term of years yet to come and unexpired therein with the benefit of renewal forever subject to the payment of the annual rent of thirty four dollars and sixteen cents payable half yearly on the first day of January and July and the said Christina Smith hereby covenants that she will warrant specially the property hereby granted and that she will execute such futher assurances of the same as may be requisite Witness the hand and seal of the grantor.
Christina Smith [seal]
Stephen S Clark
State of Maryland, City of Baltimore, to wit
I hereby certify that on this twenty second day of August in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety two before me the subscriber a Justice of the Peace the State of Maryland in and for the City of Baltimore aforesaid personally appeared Christina Smith and acknowledged the aforegoing deed to be her act.
Stephen S Clark
Recd for Record Aug 22, 1892
at 11:45 oclock AM
same day Recorded &Exd
per Jas Bond Clk
[Baltimore City, Maryland, Superior Court, Land Records 1892-1892 JB 1407, pages 63–64.]
Sometime between 1892 and 1894, T. W. Moore and Mrs. T. W. Moore were admitted as members of Martin Luther Evangelical Church. (There are usually no dates in the listing of members.) [Record of Church Members, Martin Luther Evangelical Church, page 19, Maryland State Archives SC 5035, microfilm M-11827.]
1895 Baltimore City Directory:
Moore Cath E, grocer, 2020 Gough [page 1007]
Moore Thos W, dairy, 140 n Washington [page 1009]
On 7 June 1895, a male white child was born at 140 N. Washington Street, Baltimore, Maryland, to Kathie Mohr [sic], maiden name Trautwein, born in Maryland, and Thomas Mohr [sic], a salesman, born in New York. This was their fourth child. Medical attendant was Mrs. Deisenhofer of 2225 Gough Street. [Baltimore City, Maryland, Return of a Birth 66079.]
1896 Baltimore City Directory:
Moore Cath, grocer, 140 n Washington [page 1082]
Moore Thos W, salesman, 140 n Washington [page 1084]
1897 Baltimore City Directory:
Moore Cath, dairy, 140 n Washington [page 1105]
Moore Thos W, salesman, 140 n Washington [page 1108]
1898 Baltimore City Directory:
Moore Cath, dairy, 140 n Washington [page 1072]
Moore Thos W, salesman, 140 n Washington [page 1075]
Moore Kate E, 140 n Washington [page 1876, under “Grocers, retail”]
On 28 February 1900, Bernardine T Hannemann (single) of the City of Baltimore and State of Maryland sold to Catherine Moore of the same. For ten hundred and fifty dollars, a lot of ground in the City of Baltimore and State aforesaid, beginning at the west side of Patterson Park avenue thirteen feet and six inches to the centre of another partition wall there being thence westerly through said wall and continuing the same course parallel with Monument street in all eighty one feet and six inches to the east side of an alley ten feet wide there situate thence southerly binding on the east side of said alley with the use thereof in common with others thirteen feet and six inches and thence easterly through the centre of said first mentioned partition wall and continuing the same course parallel with Monument street in all eighty one feet and six inches to the place of beginning Being the lot of ground fifthly described in an indenture of lease dated the 5th day of July 1899 in Liber RO No 1796 folio 210 &c from August Hannemann and wife to the said Bernardine T Hannemann. Together with the buildings thereon. Annual ground rent of $37.13. Signed Bernardine T. Hannemann. Witness: Wm Merriken. Acknowledged on the same date by Wm Merriken, J.P. Received for recording 5 March 1900. [Baltimore City, Maryland, Land Book RO 1834, pages 257–258.]
On 5 March 1900, Catharine Moore and Thomas W. Moore her husband of the City of Baltimore and State of Maryland mortgaged property to the Washington Loan and Savings Association. Whereas the said mortgagers being members of the said body corporate having received therefrom an advance of five hundred dollars on five of their shares of its stock, therefore this mortgage. Same property described on pages 257–258. Signed Catherine Moore, Thomas W Moore. Witness: Wm B Hammond. Acknowledged by Wm B Hammond Jr. Received for recording on 5 March 1900. [Baltimore City, Maryland, Land Book RO 1834, pages 258–259.]
1900 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
Enumeration District 108, 8th Ward, Sheet 16, Line 94
726 Patterson Park Avenue
Dwelling 313, Household 340
Moore, Thomas, head, white, male, born July 1866, age 33, married 14 years, born in New York, both parents born in Maryland, produce salesman, can read and write, speaks English, owns, mortgaged, house
Moore, Kate, wife, white, female, born September 1869, age 33, married 14 years, 4 children born, 2 children living, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, can read and write, speaks English
Moore, Robert, son, white, male, born May 1887, age 13, single, born in Maryland, father born in New York, mother born in Maryland, at school, attended school 9 months last year, can read and write, speaks English
Moore, Albert, son, white, male, born June 1895, age 4 (had said 5, crossed out), single, born in Maryland, father born in New York, mother born in Maryland
In 1905, Mrs. T. W. Moore took communion at Martin Luther Evangelical Church in Baltimore City, Maryland. The Book of Communion Seasons show three marks (possibly three communions) for her in that year. [Communion Seasons, Martin Luther Evangelical Church, Baltimore City, Maryland, Maryland State Archives SC 5035, microfilm M-11827.]
On 23 November 1905, the Baltimore Sun published:
A pleasant surprise party was given Mrs. Katherine Trautwein at the home of her son, Mr. Jacob Trautwein, 814 East Eager street, in honor of her sixty-ninth birthday by her sons, Messrs. Lewis and Jacob Trautwein, and her only daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Diver. The parlor was elaborately decorated with palms and potted plants, and the table and dining-room with chrysanthemums, carnations and roses. Music was furnished by Mr. W. T. Mooney and Miss Emma Diver. Supper was served and the guests all sang and danced until a late hour. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs.—
Lewis Trautwein, Jacob Trautwein, George Beigel, William Schuhl, Thomas W. Moore.
K. Plummer, Annie Kley, N. Count, Hiram O’Brien, Bena Betz, Katie Wiseman, Mary Diver, Nan Agular.
Mary Pinfer, Tillie Kley, Ethel Mooney, Gertrude O’Brien, Alma Wills, Estella Diver, Mamie O’Brien, Delia O’Connor.
William Schissler, Edmund Meisel, Robert Moore, Edmund O’Connor, Jerry Sutton, Albert Moore, John Diver.
[The Baltimore Sun, 23 November 1905, page 6.]
In 1906, Mrs. T. W. Moore took communion at Martin Luther Evangelical Church in Baltimore City, Maryland. The Book of Communion Seasons show four marks (possibly four communions) for her in that year. [Communion Seasons, Martin Luther Evangelical Church, Baltimore City, Maryland, Maryland State Archives SC 5035, microfilm M-11827.]
In 1907, Mrs. T. W. Moore took communion at Martin Luther Evangelical Church in Baltimore City, Maryland. The Book of Communion Seasons show two marks (possibly two communions) for her in that year. [Communion Seasons, Martin Luther Evangelical Church, Baltimore City, Maryland, Maryland State Archives SC 5035, microfilm M-11827.]
On 27 August 1908, The Baltimore Sun listed in the Society News column:
Mrs. T. W. Moore and son, Albert Moore, 724 North Patterson Park avenue, have returned to their home after a two weeks’ visit to Atlantic City.
[The Baltimore Sun, 27 August 1908, page 6.]
In 1908, Mrs. T. W. Moore took communion at Martin Luther Evangelical Church in Baltimore City, Maryland. [Communion Seasons, Martin Luther Evangelical Church, Baltimore City, Maryland, Maryland State Archives SC 5035, microfilm M-11827.]
In 1909, Mrs. T. W. Moore took communion at Martin Luther Evangelical Church in Baltimore City, Maryland. [Communion Seasons, Martin Luther Evangelical Church, Baltimore City, Maryland, Maryland State Archives SC 5035, microfilm M-11827.]
1910 U.S. Census, Baltimore City
Enumeration District 89, Ward 7, Sheet 22
Enumerated on 25 April 1910
726 Patterson Park
Dwelling 425, Family 462
Moore T. W., head, male, white, 42, married once for 24 years, born in New York, both parents born in Ireland, occupation salesman of butter, not out of work now or in 1909, can read and write, renting, lives in house
Moore, Catherine, wife, female, white, 40, married once for 24 years, has had 5 children of whom 2 are living, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, no occupation, can read and write
Moore, Robert D, son, male, white, 22, single, born in Maryland, father born in New York, mother born in Maryland, bookkeeper in commission sales, not unemployed now or in 1909, can read and write
Moore, Albert T. W., son, male, white, 14, single, born in Maryland, father born in New York, mother born in Maryland, no occupation, can read and write, in school
In 1910, Mrs. T. W. Moore took communion at Martin Luther Evangelical Church in Baltimore City, Maryland. [Communion Seasons, Martin Luther Evangelical Church, Baltimore City, Maryland, Maryland State Archives SC 5035, microfilm M-11827.]
In 1911, Mrs. T. W. Moore took communion at Martin Luther Evangelical Church in Baltimore City, Maryland. There are no further lisiting for her, but records after 1911 appear to be incomplete. A marginal note written after 1922 states “Left”. [Communion Seasons, Martin Luther Evangelical Church, Baltimore City, Maryland, Maryland State Archives SC 5035, microfilm M-11827.]
On 18 June 1912, Thomas W. and Catherine Moore purchased lot 198(S) Lafayette Plot Section 25 at Woodlawn Cemetery in Baltimore, Maryland. The purchase price was $200.00.
1920 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
E.D. 92, sheet 3, enumerated on 6 January 1920
Dwelling No. 55, Family No. 56
726 Patterson Park Avenue
Moore, Thomas W., head, owned free, 52, born in New York, both parents born in Ireland, commercial salesman, wage worker
Moore, Catherine, wife, 50, born in Maryland, born parents born in Germany
Moore, Albert T. W., son, 24, born in Maryland, clerk for railroad, wage worker
1922 Baltimore City Directory, page 1336:
Moore Cath (wid Thos W) 726 n Patterson Pk av
1923 Baltimore City Directory, page 1298:
Moore Cath (wid Thos) 726 n Patterson Pk av
1924–25 Baltimore City Directory, page 1254:
Moore Cath (wid Thos W) h 726 n Patterson Pk av
1926 Baltimore City Directory, page 1368:
Moore Cath (wid Thos) h 726 n Patterson Pk av
Catherine was not listed in the 1927 Baltimore City Directory
1928 Baltimore City Directory, page 1336:
Moore Cath (wid Thos) h 726 n Patterson Pk av
1929 Baltimore City Directory, page 1293:
Moore Cath (wid Thos) h 726 n Patterson Pk av
1930 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland:
7th Ward, Block 111
Enumeration District 4-84, Supervisor’s District 4
Sheet 15A
Enumerated on 11 April 1930
726 Patterson Park Avenue
Dwelling 238, Household 267
Moore, Catherine, head, owner, $3,800 in real value, female, white, age 59, widowed, not in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Germany, speaks English, no occupation
Household 268
Christiansen, Chris. M., head, renting, $25 in real value, male, white, age 26, married at age 25, not in school, can read and write, born in Norway, both parents born in Norway, emigrated in 1922, speaks English, occupation accountant in hospital, wage work, at work previous day
Christiansen, Catherine H., wife, female, white, age 25, married at age 24, not in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, no occupation
1930 Baltimore City Directory, page 867:
Moore Cath (wid Thos W) h 726 n Patterson Pk av
Catherine Moore died on 10 October 1937. Her death certificate provides the following information: place of death 726 N Patterson Park Av; full name Catherine Moore; residence 726 N Patternon Park Ave; female, white, widowed; husband Thos W. Moore; born Sept 21 1869; aged 68 years 1 month 20 days; occupation at home; born in Baltimore; parents Geo Trautwein and Anna Weber, both born in Baltimore; informant Albert T. Moore of 2709 Halcyon Ave; buried at Woodlawn on 13 October 1937; cause of death (principal) hypostatic[?] pneumonia, which began on 2 October (secondary) chronic int. nephritis endocardis myocarditis hypostatic [?], onset in 1935. [Hall of Records, Annapolis, microfilm record of City of Baltimore Health Department Certificate of Death F39913.]
A death notice in The Sun stated:
MOORE.—On October 10, 1937, CATHERINE, aged 68 years, beloved wife of the late Thomas W. Moore. Funeral from her late residence, 726 Patterson Park avenue, of which due notice will be given. [The Sun (Baltimore), Monday Morning, 11 October 1937, page 12.]
A death notice in The Sun stated:
MOORE.—On October 10, 1937, CATHERINE, beloved wife of the late Thomas W. Moore. Funeral from her late residence, 726 Patterson Park avenue on Wednesday at 2 P.M. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery. [The Sun (Baltimore), Tuesday Morning, 12 October 1937, page 20; Wednesday Morning, 13 October 1937, page 18. The Evening Sun (Baltimore), 11 October 1837, page 31; 12 October 1937, page 32.]
A death notice in The Sun stated:
MOORE.—Monumental Chapter, No. 8, O. E. S., announces with deep regret the death of Sister CATHERINE MOORE. Eastern Star services CAROLYN SPONHEIMER Worthy Matron. [The Sun (Baltimore), Tuesday Morning, 12 October 1937, page 20; Wednesday Morning, 13 October 1937, page 18. The Evening Sun (Baltimore), 13 October 1937, page 38.]