ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 14 June 1756, James Boughan and Ame his wife of the County of Essex and Parish of Southfarnham sold to Arthur Tate of the same. For £17.14.4-1/2 current money of Virginia, a tract in the county and parish aforesaid, 47-1/4 acres, part of a tract of 93 acres, “The sd. Land being part of a Tract of Ninety three Acres formerly Given by Richard Tyler to his Daughter Mary, the wife of James Boughan dec’d & to the Heirs of her Body” on 22 September 1724. And “the sd James and Mary being minded to Barr the Entaile did Sue forth A writ in Nature of an Ad quo Damnum Dated the Twenty third Day of Aprill in the Year one Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty and did prosecute the same and as by theire Deed Dated the Twenty-Third Day of Aprill one Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Six Convey the sd Ninety 3 Acres of Land to Thos Barker which deed remains amongst the Records of the Secretarys Office and by the Said Thos Barker Conveyed to the sd James Boughan as by the said Barkers deed” and this was recorded. Signed James Boughan and Ame her X mark Boughan. Witnesses: Richard Brown, Ambrose Jones Junr, Thos St John. Recorded 15 June 1756. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 215–217.]
On 19 September 1758, James Boughan of the County of Essex and Amy his wife sold to William Degge Junr of the County of King and Queen. For £47 current money, 100 acres, more or less, in Essex County bounded by land of John Tyler deced and William Peachey, it being land James bought of Jonathan Dunn. Signed James Boughan, Amy her + mark Boughan. Witnesses: John Jones, Alexr Smith. Recorded 19 September 1758. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 28, pages 107–108.]
On 19 September 1774, James Boughan and Amy his wife of the Parish of South Farnham sold to Thomas Wood of the Parish of South Farnham. For £20, a parcell bounded by the lands of the said Wood, Mundays Line, and James Edmondson, 50 acres more or less. Signed James Boughan and Amy Boughan. Witnesses: A Bohannan, William Gatewood, Wm Dunn B. Ordered recorded 19 September 1774. A note in the margin of the Deed Book reads: “Original deed delivered Thos. Wood by his son Wm. Wood the 30th June 1791.” [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 31, pages 195–196.]