NameAnn Brown 
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Ann was mentioned, as Ann Brown, in the 2 May 1708 will of her grandfather Francis Brown. She was to receive land after the death of Francis’s wife Elizabeth and then Ann’s father Daniel. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 13, page 213.]
On 20 February 1722, Daniel Brown of the County of Essex sold to Samuell ffarguson and Ann his wife of the same. In consideration of the “Love and Good Will that he hath for his Daughter Ann the wife of the aforesaid Samuell ffarguson” and for 20 shillings, a plantation or parcell formerly known by the name of ffrancis Browns, 100 acres more or less, that ffrancis Brown bequeathed to his wife during her life and then to Daniel Brown and after his Death to Ann the daughter of Daniel, now wife of Samuell ffarguson. Signed Danll Browne. Witnesses: John Chamberline, Peter Dudley. Recorded 20 February 1722. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 17, pages 153–154.]