NameHenry Street 
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Henry Street was mentioned in the 15 February 1769 will of his mother-in-law Sebell Carlton. Sebell discharged Henry of all debts that he owed her. He was to be an executor of the estate with his wife Catharine. The will mentioned the daughters of Catharine. Henry presented the will in court on 19 June 1769, when a certificate was granted to him for obtaining a probate. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 12, pages 365–366.]
The will of Henry Street was dated 4 September 1783: In the name of God amen. I Henry Street of the County of Essex being of Sound sence and disposing memory but knowing the certainty of Death and uncertainty of Life do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Impremis I lend unto my beloved Wife Catherine Street my whole Estate during her natureal Life and at her Decase, Item I give unto my Son Henry Street Two Hundred and Fifty acres of Land, being the tract whereon I now live, with part of the Dragon Swamp and one Negroe Girl Daphney, one bed and Furneture, one Cow and Calf, one Colt, to him and his Heirs for ever, but my Desire is that his Sisters may live in one of his Houses as long as they live single, if they chuse it. Item I give that half acre of Land and Meeting house that I bought of John Cornclus[?] to the Baptist Church of Medl and lower Essex, to be house kept for the Worship of God. Item I give to my Daughter Ruthe Street the sum of fifteen Pounds if in case the other Girls should dispute her haveing an equal part of the Negroes that there Grand Mother Sebell Carlton left them, but if they agree that she should have an equil part with them, then my will and desire is that the remainder of my Estate with Thrity Acres of the Dragon Swamp to be laid of at the upper end of the swamp to be equally Divided betwen all my Daughters, to them and theirs Heirs forever. I Constitute my beloved Wife Catherine Street and my bror Richd Street my Exors to this my last Will and Testament and I Desire that they may not be held to give Sureaty—for there Executership, my Desire also is that my Estate may not be appraised. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this 4th Day of September 1783. Signed Henry Street (seal). Witnesses: JLewis, John Sadler, Josiah McTyre. At a Court held for Essex County at Tappahannock on the 17th day of May 1784 This last Will and Testament of Henry Street deceased was offered to proof by the Executors therein named and was proved by the oath of John Sadler a witness thereto And at a Court held for the said County and at the place aforesaid one the 21st day of June next following it was further proved by the oath of J— Lewis and Josiah McTyre two of the witnesses to the same and also by the oath of the Executors and ordered to recorded[.] [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 13, page 427.]