NameJessie Baynard Bockmiller

Birth9 Jun 1888, Maryland
Death9 Feb 1945
ResidenceSnow Hill and Salisbury, Maryland
Cause of deathBreast cancer
On 10 October 1910, a marriage license was issued for the marriage of Robert D. Moore, a resident of Baltimore, Maryland, 23, white, single, to Jessie B. Bockmuller, a resident of Baltimore, 22, white, single, no relation. They were married on 18 October 1910 by L. A. Thirlkeld. Marriage certificate filed on 19 October 1910. [Baltimore City, Maryland, Court of Common Pleas, Marriage Record AD No 22, 1910, page 123.]
On 19 October 1910, The Baltimore Sun published a list of marriage licenses issued on 18 October 1910, including:
MOORE—BOCKMULLER.—Robert D. Moore, 23; Jessie B. Bockmuller, 22. Applicant, Adam Riefner, 2404 East Oliver street.
[The Baltmore Sun, 19 October 1910, page 7.]
On 29 November 1910, The Baltimore Sun published:
The class of 1900 [1909?] of the Maryland Institute Day School of Art will hold a reunion Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skeen, 2702 Maryland avenue. Among the following graduates expected are:
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Moore
[additional names]
[The Baltimore Sun, 29 November 1910, page 8.]
1920 U.S. Census, Kent County, Maryland:
Enumeration District 61, Sheet 1
Still Pond Town
Enumerated 6 January 1920
Church Street
Family 24, Dwelling 24
Moore, Robert E, head, renting, male, white, 32, married, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, occupation merchant of general store on own account
Moore, Jessie B, wife, female, white, 31, married, can read and write, born in Maryland, born parents born in Maryland, unemployed
Moore, Jessie C, daughter, female, white, 7, single, can read and write, born in Maryland, born parents born in Maryland
Moore, Robert C, son, male, white, 3, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland
On 4 September 1923, the Centreville Development Company sold to Robert D. Moore and Jessie B. Moore tenants by the entireties in fee, for $500, a lot in the Town of Centreville, 3rd Election District, Queen Anne’s County, in what is known as the Chesterfield Development on the west side of Chesterfield Avenue and being on the north side on Windsor Avenue…being Lot No. 29 of the Chesterfield Development. Signed The Centreville Development Company by Edwin H. Brown, Jr., President. Witness: W. B. Read. Mortgage to the Centreville Development Company for $350. Signed Robert D. Moore, Jessie B. Moore. Ordered recorded 26 September 1923. Released on 24 May 1943. [Queen Anne’s County, Maryland, Land Record J.F.R. 11 B.H.T. 1, pages 239–242.]
1930 U.S. Census, Kent County, Maryland
Chestertown Town, 4th District, 2nd Precinct
Enumeration District 15-7, Sheet 8-B
415 High Street
Dwelling 215, Family 226
Moore, Robert D., head, rents for $25, owns radio set, does not live on farm, male, white, 41, married first marriage at age 22, not in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, manager of chain store, wage worker, at work previous work day, not a veteran
Moore, Jessie B., wife, female, white, 40, married, age at first marriage 21, not in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, artist, at home, works on own account, at work previous work day
Moore, Jessie B. Jr., daughter, female, white, 17, single, in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, no occupation
Moore, Robert D. Jr., son, male, white, 12, single, in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, no occupation
Moore, Margaret C., daughter, female, white, 6, single, in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, no occupation
On 2 May 1934, The Baltimore Sun published:
Kent County W. C. T. U. To Hold Session Friday
Mrs. Mary Haslup And Rev. Dr. Leonard B. Smith To Speak At Chestertown
Chestertown, Md., May 1 (AP) — A one-day convention of the Kent County W. C. T. U. is to be held Friday at the Christ Methodist Protestant Church here.
Two addresses are to be features of the occasion. Mrs. Mary R. Haslup, of Baltimore, State president, will speak during the afternoon session and the Rev. Dr. Leonard B. Smith, president of the Maryland-Delaware Methodist Protestant Conference, is to speak at night.
Election of officers and a business meeting will be held, and a demonstration given by children of the Loyal Temperance Union, under the direction of Mrs. Robert D. Moore.
[The Baltimore Sun, 2 May 1934, page 20.]
On 28 April 1935, in a social column of happenings in Chestertown, The Baltimore Sun published:
Prof. W. Howard Bockmiller and his family, of Baltimore, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Moore.
[The Baltimore Sun, 28 April 1935, page 1.]
1940 U.S. Census, Salisbury, Wicomico County, Maryland
Election District 5, Enumeration District 23-7, Sheet 18A
400 Poplar Hill Avenue, household 340, rents, $40, not on farm
Moore, Robt. D., head, male, white, 51, married, not in school, highest level of education 8th grade, born in Maryland, living in Chestertown, Maryland in 1935, not on farm, at work week of March 24–30, worked 44 hours that week, manager of automobile association, employed 52 weeks in 1939, has other source of income
Moore, Jessie B., wife, female, white, 50, married, not in school, highest level of education 2 years of high school, born in Maryland, living in Chestertown, Maryland in 1935, not on farm, not at work week of March 24–30, not seeking work, engaged in housework, teacher out of home, 0 weeks employed in 1939, has other source of income
Moore, Margaret A., daughter, female, white, 17, single, in school, highest level of education 3 years of high school, born in Maryland, living in Chestertown, Maryland in 1935, not on farm, not at work, not seeking work, student, no other source of income
On 14 February 1951, Robert D. Moore and Louise M. Moore his wife sold to John A. Bennett and Louise C. Bennett his wife. For $5.00 and other good and valuable consideration, a lot in the Town of Centreville, 3rd Election District, Queen Anne’s County, in what is known as the Chesterfield Development on the west side of Chesterfield Avenue and being on the north side on Windsor Avenue…being Lot No. 29 of the Chesterfield Development. The lot is also the same lot conveyed by The Centreville Development Company by deed dated September 4, 1923 and recorded in Liber J.F.R. No. 11 folio 239 unto Robert D. Moore and Jessie B. Moore his wife, which said Jessie having died February 9, 1945 and the said Robert D. Moore having since married Louise M. Moore. Signed Robert D. Moore, Louise M. Moore. Witness: Jesse M. Parker. State of Maryland and County of Wicomico: I certify on 14 February 1951 the subscriber appeared before me a Notary Public. Jesse M. Parker. Ordered recorded in Queen Anne’s County on 20 February 1951. [Queen Anne’s County, Maryland, Land Record N.B.W. 8 T.S.P. 1, pages 549–550.]
Birth11 May 1887, 1931 Fairmount Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland
Death4 Aug 1957, Delmar, Delaware
Burial7 Aug 1957, Wicomico Memorial Park, Wicomico County, Maryland
OccupationPoultry merchant; Businessman
Marriage18 Oct 1910, Baltimore, Maryland